
11月7日の Reuters “France postpones target for cutting nuclear share of power production” によると、フランス政府は、2020年以降の供給不足とCO2目標に関する送電事業者RTEからの警告を踏まえ、原子力発電比率を減らす目標の延期を決めたとの由。



The French government has postponed a long-held target to reduce the share of nuclear energy in the country’s power production after grid operator RTE warned it risked supply shortages after 2020 and could miss a goal to curb carbon emissions.

Environment Minister Nicolas Hulot said on Tuesday it was not realistic to cut nuclear energy’s share of electricity production to 50 percent by 2025 from 75 percent now and that doing so in a hurry would increase France’s CO2 emissions, endanger the security of power supply and put jobs at risk.

“It will be difficult to maintain the target of reducing the share of nuclear to 50 percent by 2025,” Hulot told reporters following a cabinet meeting.

He later said in an television interview the government would be working towards a 2030 to 2035 timeframe.


(社会保障経済研究所 代表 石川 和男 Twitter@kazuo_ishikawa